Thursday, July 23, 2015

So im gonna rant right now. so yeah. I have been doing online schooling for a like 2 months now and the school originally told me that I could just take a test and test out of the courses that I had already taken. well that wasn't true I have to go through 9 months of school work in a 2 month time spand and to top that off I have to work. So today I went to log on and with the progress I had they failed me and I hadn't even finish the courses. yeah and I cant even start the next courses until September and the school said I would be done with this school in October. so lets do some math. I started these courses in May. they told me I would be don't In October. the courses had all ready started by the time I logged on for the first time. so I was already 3 months behind. and the fisr semester ended July 12th. they told me I would be done in 6 months. I cant even so anything cause It won't grade it if I do sense the first semester is over and the second semester wont start intill septemer. how am I supposed to do anything and finish high school if I can even access it and finish in a timely fashion or in the time frame they said I had. What the Fuck.

the is so stupid

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