I was skimming through Facebook like I always do and I see an article on anxiety and depression. I decide not to click on it cause its probably just an article to raise awareness. And I know there's going to be some articles that say that and all the things that go with that the thing is, I scroll past it and see three more articles saying something about this. And I know that we need to raise awareness and I agree with all the articles on anxiety and depression. but the thing that gets me is I suffer from anxiety and depression and these articles that are supposed to make us feel like we are not alone just make us feel worse. As I read these articles about it I feel yes you know what I'm feeling and that's cool and all but the anxiety makes it so that when I see so many things about me or about things that involve me I feel more alone then I should. Honestly I feel like if you raise awareness more and more people will come forward and say "hey I have that" and some of them have no idea what an anxiety attack is. Some of them have no idea how it feels to be standing in a room full of your closest friends or relatives and feel nothing, empty, and like you don't belong. Honestly, and I may sound paranoid by saying this, I feel that the more aware people become the more there self actualized theory comes true.
These people that go on to WebMD to see what this red mark is on there arm and see that is might be sickle cell disease and then freak out and go to the doctor and he says It not and that its just a scratch. these people that go on to Facebook see these articles on anxiety and depression and read them and thing " Oh My God I'm depressed and I have anxiety about being depressed" and then go on to there social media and comment about having anxiety and depression. When in reality they have nothing there just paranoid and have nothing better to do then sit at there computer all day and complain about there life.
If they really did have anxiety then they would be to afraid to say anything for they feel of someone making fun of them or telling them that they complain to much.
People with anxiety and depression both together suffer from the strangest of feelings. We feel sad but at the same time we are afraid to cry for fear someone might see. we are frustrated but at the same time we don't want to do anything for fear someone would say we are over reacting. when we have anxiety attacks people try and play it off as if we do it all the time. I have seizers which are manifested anxiety attacks I have prolonged happening for fear some one would play it off as a freak episode. and even when I started having seizers I went to the hospital the doctor took one look at my file and saw the word anxiety and automatically thought I was faking or that I could control it. He stood by my bed side and watched me have a seizer and stood there looking at me, did nothing and just kept saying " you can stop now, you can stop now, " this happened over a year ago and to this day it still angers me.
So next time you, who is faking anxiety to get attention, complain about your anxiety level and how depressed you are. think of this I have suffered for 15 years with anxiety and 2 years with depression, no medication can help me and almost everyone thinks if faking. you don't know what it feels like to have the feeling if spiders crawling all over your body, your heart beat rising to the point you almost burst, so you crawl into the fetal position to prevent you self from exploding. and you sit there crying your eyes out for several minutes or until you regain what little hold you have on yourself. Next time you complain about your "Anxiety level" remember this. you don't know anxiety. We do, and most of us feel nothing anymore.
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